How A Photocopier Functioning

Have you ever wondered how a photocopier works? It’s like magic that can make copies of papers. Let’s go on an adventure to uncover the secrets behind this incredible machine!

A photocopier is a special device that can make exact copies of paper documents. Here’s how it works:

Placing the Paper: To make a copy, you start by putting the paper you want to copy on a glass surface. This glass is called the “platen.” It’s like a special bed for your paper.

Letting in the Light: When you press the copy button, a bright light shines on the paper. This light helps to capture all the words and pictures on the paper.

Creating an Image: The light reflects off the paper and travels through some mirrors and lenses inside the photocopier. These mirrors and lenses help to focus the light and create a picture of the paper.

Adding Toner: The photocopier has a special powder called toner. Wherever the light touched the paper, it creates an electrical charge. This charge attracts the toner, and it sticks to the paper, just like magic!

Transferring the Copy: Next, the photocopier places a clean sheet of paper next to the toner-covered paper. The toner gets transferred onto the clean paper, making a perfect copy of the original.

Making It Permanent: To make the copy permanent, the photocopier sends the new paper through hot rollers. These rollers press the toner onto the paper, making sure it stays in place.

And voila! You have a brand new copy of your paper! The photocopier uses light, mirrors, toner, and some special rollers to create an identical copy.

Photocopiers are very helpful in schools, offices, and many other places. They save time and make it easy to share information by quickly making copies of important papers.

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