Difference Between Automatic Document Feeder Scanner and Glass Scanner

When it comes to scanning documents or images, there are two types of scanners: the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) scanner and the glass scanner. The main difference between the two is in how they scan the documents or images.

An ADF scanner is designed to scan multiple pages of a document quickly and efficiently. It does this by automatically feeding the pages through the scanner, one after the other. A glass scanner, on the other hand, requires you to place each page on the scanner bed individually and manually scan each one.

Another difference between the two is the type of documents they can scan. A glass scanner is better suited for scanning delicate or irregularly shaped documents, such as old photographs or books. An ADF scanner is better for scanning large volumes of standard documents, such as contracts or reports.

In conclusion, while both ADF and glass scanners have their strengths, the choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the user. If you need to scan large volumes of standard documents quickly, an ADF scanner would be the better choice. If you need to scan delicate or irregularly shaped documents, a glass scanner would be more suitable.

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